Sunday, February 7, 2010


Sorry folks.

You know how on certain websites you have to type in a combination of letters and numbers in order to proceed and how they often look like arabic and you get all sorts of frustrated because that-fucking-3-looks-like-an-E-and-how-am-I-supposed-to-know-what-it-says??!!!

That process is to block spam and I've been getting all kinds of spam submitted in the form of comments on da blog.  It pisses me off.  No, I don't need to know how to make my penis larger, thank you very much.  I don't actually have a penis and if I did, I certainly wouldn't want to learn about making it bigger on here.  Sheesh.

The worst part?  I get SO excited when someone leaves a comment on a post that I've written.  I know that makes me shallow and juvenille, but I don't care.  So... when I receive the notification email telling me that someone has left a comment on a post that I've done I get all bouncy and excited only to find out that it's some asshole that is asking me if I want to learn a secret on how to please my partner in bed.  Yeah.  I don't have a current sexual partner, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

So I apologize, dear readers.  You will have to endure the arabic gauntlet to now leave me a comment.  Please don't let that deter you, because as most of you know, I'm a rather exuberant gal who enjoys getting all bouncy and excited.  I really do love your comments so please continue to leave them.  No, actually.  Leave more!!!  Your comments inspire me to be more prolific. Yeah.  That's it.  So to my Blind Bay Bitches (who complain loudly that I don't post often enough....), I'll start posting more often once y'all start leaving me comments!!!  So there. :)


Anonymous said...

I say; More blogs = more comments! :)

Anonymous said...

MORE BLOGS PLEASE.... still waiting for your updated Blind Bay Pajama party blog, cause i just know its going to be full of fun stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

MORE MORE MORE!!!! I think that its a little unfair that I get to know all this great stuff about you, and you barely get to know me... you make me want to blog....just as soon as Im done all the shit i have to do.... so maybe once my son goes to college

Anonymous said...

The blog is great! Keep it up!

It is really great to hear about real life from someone else's perspective. Seems you have an international following now ;)