Friday, August 28, 2009

The Plot to Pinch Percy the Packrat

Operation Capture Percy has commenced. At approximately 1630 hrs the 'live trap' was procured.

Subsequently, a shiny object and apple remnants were placed carefully in the trap near his favourite spot in the house (beside the bread basket and the shiny coffee maker).

Countertops were bleached (yet again - packrat feet.... ugh) and will obviously be bleached again upon capture.

ETA for completion of Stage 1 of this mission: 0200 hours. (Nocturnal little mofo). Updates to follow once fugitive has been secured. Photographic documentation for the purpose of helping people understand just how cute he is and why there is no way in hell I can drown him (advice from practically every male I have talked to in the past 3 days) to follow as well.

Gustafson out.

**Postscript: I am ridiculously proud of myself for setting this contraption up all by myself. Yes, Ray (the fella who is lending me his trap... thanks Ray!) had to explain it to me FOUR times, but still, I did it!!!

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