Thursday, June 11, 2015


So I was at the mall the other day (have I mentioned how much I hate going to the mall?). I was sitting down and a fellow in his 60's or so in a wheelchair with pretty clear cognitive deficits scooted by. I gave him a warm smile, just because he seemed to be a happy soul.  About 20 minutes later I saw him eating an ice cream cone. It was soft ice cream and he was really enjoying it. He even had a wee bit on the tip of his nose.

Fast forward another 20 minutes.  I'm back sitting in my original spot and he wheels up to me and says "I HAD AN ICE CREAM CONE!!!!!" I smiled and said "I saw that! I walked past when you were eating it and you looked like you were lovin' that ice cream cone."

"I WAS!!!" said he. "I LOVE ICE CREAM!!!!"  Now I was laughing.  His enthusiasm was completely contagious. I'm actually smiling as I type this, just remembering the encounter.  I said "Life is too short not to eat ice cream, isn't it?"

"YEAH!!!! I'm coming back tomorrow for MORE ice cream" he said.  

I've thought about him often since I saw him that day. There was just something really special about the complete joy he had in something as simple and wonderful as an ice cream cone.

I've been trying to be more 'mindful' as of late. I hate the buzz word but I like the concept. That moment with the Ice Cream Dude was a mindful moment. But it was also a lesson in trying to be happy about the little victories in this life.... like loving an ice cream cone SO MUCH that you don't even give a shit that there is a plop of it on the end of your nose.  

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