Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yay Vino!!!

I love wine.  Lerve it.  Luff it.  M-m-m-m-m-m......

It may have something to do with the French blood that flows in me, thanks to my Mom.  For me, drinking wine has always been synonymous with laughter and female bonding. When I was young, I remember watching my Mom and her sisters visit in our livingroom while drinking wine.  There were six of them and they were a vivacious group free spirited French gals.  My grandmother (their Mom) definitely laid the groundwork for that dynamic.

I'm currently working with some folks on a project where I live to establish whether or not this region is conducive to growing grapes for winemaking.  I'm really excited about the project and the potential for it happening where I live.  I've met some great people and through those connections was invited to be a judge in a wine competition in a community close to where I live this weekend.  Free wine drinking, you say?  Count me in!  It's the first time I was able to drink wine before noon and not feel guilty about it although having to only taste and spit out the wine felt a bit like a crime against the universe.

Being a wine tasting judge was a riot.  Seriously!  I may have actually coined a few new wine-tasting terms such as 'floaty bits' and 'yummy'.  The wine was all home made and some of it was very good.  Afterwards there was a potluck dinner and about 60 people from the village came out for it.  There was something really magical about it.... the palpable sense of community in the room was incredible and I felt truly honoured to be there. 

There was a band playing made up of local people and it really added to the sense of community spirit.  My girlfriend Cindy told me earlier in the week that her husband was going to part of the entertainment that evening.  I told her that when she used the term 'entertainment' I was picturing Murray in assless chaps, however he actually wore jeans and was the drummer in the band. 

I've been a bit of a hermit lately; cocooning in my home and loving it.... but last night reminded me how important it is to connect with people and the value of living in a small community.  Tonight I look forward to sipping a glass of red that I'm actually allowed to swallow!

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