"It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb which means
that it takes an entire community of different people interacting with children in order for a child to experience and grow in a safe environment.
The villages would look out for the children."
I'm sure everyone has heard the adage that it takes a village to raise a child. I raised my brats for the most part in a small village in the Interior of BC and I can tell you this is true. The people of that village who knew my kids really loved them - they celebrated victories and provided support during difficult times. They also handed out discipline when required, likely more than I know. I remember when one of the RCMP officers who knew our family saw them on rooftop downtown, he didn't call me, he didn't give them a lecture.... he said... well, I won't say what he said but he dealt with it. 'Nuff said. (It involved the words "stupid" and "fucking" and "kids")
The Fire Hall was a big part of our world when we were raising our kids. Their Dad was a volunteer with the department and the kids played there, helped out and it was a part of the fabric of our life. They learned about service to community, dedication of friends and how love, respect and loyalty matter. My Jacky attended the Nova Scotia Firefighters School and I have no doubt the experience from home helped to guide that decision and his absolute passion for the work. He has been fighting forest fires here in BC this week. Let me tell you how that unfolded....
Barb saw an ad for a company hiring firefighters and sent it to me for him.
Tracey helped find him a place to stay where the company is based because it's her home town.
Louis gave him A CAR.... because he needs one right now.
Here's the most beautiful part - our entire province is on fire and where was Jack deployed? To the hometown where he grew up, to the village that helped to raise him. This is the place that helped him to develop the qualities required to do this job that he loves so much.
He wears a necklace everyday with the GPS coordinate from this community, because it's where his roots are. Honest-t0-god it just about makes my heart explode. Thank you Nakusp.
He wears a necklace everyday with the GPS coordinate from this community, because it's where his roots are. Honest-t0-god it just about makes my heart explode. Thank you Nakusp.