I think you're getting the picture, no? I'm not sure what it is.... perhaps the time of year and leaves changing colour. Or maybe it's the fact that it's a holiday that involves food, family, friends, laughter and relaxation without the insanity and stress of things that often accompany certain holidays, say like Christmas.
I'm always excited for this particular long weekend but Thanksgiving this year was one of the best I've had in a very long time. The Brats were all with me at Shangri-la and my good friend Randy came from Kelowna to spend it with us. We just hung out, played poker and a board game called 'Sequence', laughed and drank the wine and port that Randy brought. (No, the kids didn't drink the boozes. Sheesh; shame on y'all who thought that.)
I felt.... well, thankful. Cheezy, I know but I really did. I have much to be thankful for. I live in a beautiful place and I have a great job with amazing colleagues. I have the best damn friends anyone could ever have. I was raised in a loving home with incredible siblings who I'm still very close to. I have incredible kids who adore me for some unkown reason. Is it perfect? Not by a long shot but the
So, Thanksgiving. I think maybe I just really like having a day once a year when I have the luxury of taking a moment to remember all the things that are great about my life. Plus, I really love stuffing. :)
(Randy and the 'Brats du la Brats a la Brats' eating Thanksgiving dinner)